Section 1: Membership Meetings
All officers, the Executive Board and all other committees of the Local are accountable to the Membership of the Local and are subject to Membership approval at Local meetings except as may be otherwise provided.
Section 2: General Membership Meetings
The General Membership Meeting of the Local shall commence at 6:30 PM on the second Tuesday of every second month, commencing in January, or if a change of date or time is required for the meeting, notice of such change shall be posted no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the General Membership Meeting.
Any member who attends a meeting under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or creates a disturbance, or becomes unruly shall lose voice and her/his right to vote at said meeting. Where necessary to maintain order, the member may be evicted from the meeting by order of the Chairperson subject to the challenge of the Membership. Flagrant or persistent violation of this section by any member shall be conduct unbecoming a union member.
Section 3: Executive Meetings
The Local Executive shall meet preceding the General Membership meeting of the Local or as deemed necessary.
Section 4: Executive Board Meetings
Executive or Executive Board meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive.
Section 5: Quorum
A quorum for the purpose of transacting any business by the Local shall consist of sixteen
(16) Members present in person at any General Membership meeting including the Executive.
Section 6: Special Membership Meetings
The President or majority of the Executive may call for a Special Membership meeting.
Notice of all Special Membership Meetings shall be posted on all Union Bulletin Boards. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting and shall state the purpose for which the meeting is being called.
Section 7: Notice of Motions
All Notice of Motions as required under these by-laws must be presented in written form at any Regular General Membership meeting and duly moved and seconded. There shall be no debate on the motion at this meeting. Notice of Motions will be brought forward at the next scheduled General Membership meeting for debate. Membership attending that meeting will vote on the Notice of Motion, which requires a seventy-five (75%) percent majority to pass.
Notice of Motions shall be posted fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting dealing with the issue
Section 8: Agenda
The order of business at the General Membership meeting shall be:
- Call meeting to order
- Call for initiation of new members
- Roll Call of Officers
- Minutes of last meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Committee Reports
- Correspondence
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
This Local shall abide by the Robert’s Rules of Order.